Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm Just So Proud To Be Here

Just got word that I have been inducted to the Posse, Hall of Fame, (not to be confused with femme)!

Ride'm cowgirls!


Margo Moon said...

Hall of Femme.

Love that. Gonna steal it. Yep.

Me. Here. Right now. said...

I was kind of liking that too, Margo. Seems mighty fittin' to use somewhere for something.

JoeyJo said...

When you'all figure out how you are going to use it, at least let me know, as I am conjuring up images already!

Me. Here. Right now. said...

And, don't even tell me you are using Minnie Pearl - man, when was the last time I thought of her - BR549.

JoeyJo said...

You watched HeeHaw?! (heh)