Saturday, November 29, 2008

Churchill Downs Tribute To Curlin

For more on Curlin's retirement ceremonies, check out today's Starr Ann Chronicles

All photos © 2008 JoeyJo

Friday, November 28, 2008


“To be able to win a stake like that means the world to me, but to get a graded stake on the dirt for him is super. It was kind of my main objective coming in here," Pitts said. "He was second in a grade I in the Stephen Foster. But to win a graded stake on the dirt for him, he deserves it more than anybody out there because I’ve never had a horse that loves his job and loves to train and loves to run as much as he does. When he turned for home, I knew he’d dig deep down inside to find all he could to get there. He’s a very special horse.”

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I Think

I think sometimes people think too much. Or maybe, I think, sometimes. Anyway, it seems to me that people are thinking too much, or at least I am, I think.

It used to be that I could sit on the deck, enjoy a cup of tea and a granola bar and relax. Now, when I try it, I drink the tea, crunch the granola bar, and think! Think about stuff like what others think or what will they think!!

I think I am not the only one who does this. I think others who don't care what other people think, think about what other people think.

I am not saying that caring about what others think is wrong. No, rather, I think that thinking and re-thinking about what you think others think will eventually find you "having another thought coming".

Having said that, I am thinking, should I end this post here or should I go on?

I'll have to think about that.

...and still thinking about this, as the story goes, when my brother was a little kid and saw a statue of "The Thinker" he said "He is thinking about where he lost his clothes."

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dona Nobis Pacem

Ever fall asleep with the Sun shining on you? Perhaps, you were on a couch with the rays streaming through a window. Or maybe you were in a hammock basking in the brightness. The heat that penetrated your pores filled you with a sense of calm, a sense of peace. Then, a dark cloud drifted across the sky, blocking the radiance. A chill settled over you, disturbing you. You were awakened. But when the beams broke into the clouds and became stronger and stronger, the warm glow returned. You were once again enveloped in serenity.

Hopefully, the dark cloud that has hovered over our great nation is passing and peace will begin to radiate throughout the world.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Decision 2008

Today, be a part of tomorrow.


As my friend Starr Ann (hi, Starr Ann) would say, "It's a booth, not a closet."